
6 hp, STR 10, DEX 12, WIL 8 Attacks: d6 sword Wants to exploit weaker creatures

Weasel warbands

  1. Redmask - Tribal custom is to never clean the face of blood after a kill. The veteran berserkers of this tribe are nearly entirely rust-colored.
  2. Blueface - Dye their fur with woad. Their ululating cries echo between the hillocks of their home.
  3. Greenclaw - Disdain swords in favor of copper sheathes on their claws (d6) that are applied upon coming of age. The verdigris that forms on them gives the tribe their name.
  4. Goldthrone - Avaricious and spiteful, they submit captives to a sham court in front of a extravagantly accoutered magistrate where they are sentenced to death (killing them outright would be uncivilized).
  5. Flinteye - So named for the most common of injuries sustained while knapping their stone arrowheads and weapons, this tribe disdains metal in favor of flint weaponry. Skilled marksmen despite their frequent disabilities.
  6. Rusttail - Soaking themselves in pools of corroded scrap metal, their weapons carry tetanus and worse. Become infected on critical damage.


3 hp, STR 8, DEX 12, WIL 8 Attacks: d6 talons Critical damage: Carry away and impale on thorns. Fly 3x normal speed. Wants to torment its prey

Shrike trophies

  1. Mouse’s paw - Give Frightened condition to one mouse
  2. Lizard tail - From a salamander that got away
  3. Beetle carapace - Grants 1 armor
  4. Swallow feather - A trophy from the last pogrom
  5. Squirrel plume - Shrikes tend to target the squirrels’ smaller young
  6. Hedgehog quill - Gain an additional d4 attack

Snapping Turtle

Warband scale 15 hp, STR 15, DEX 5, WIL 8, Armor 2 Attacks: d10 bite, d6 tail swipe (blast) Critical damage: Swallow whole, 1d6 STR damage per round until rescued or escape Wants to travel to its breeding grounds, heedless of what is underfoot

What is on the turtle’s shell?

  1. Siege tower manned by xenophobic frogs. Fire poison arrows that deal d4 DEX damage to one creature per round.
  2. Lightning rods that generate a d8 bolt every other round if the weather is rainy
  3. Chaos runes. Spells cast near the turtle must roll a bonus power die.
  4. Mantis monks who divine portents from the lines of the turtle’s travels
  5. Mud baths inhabited by salamanders, who use the turtle for overland travel far from their marshy homes
  6. Dragonfly aerie. Attack in swarms anything that the turtle passes by.