Data on domain sizes and tax revenues, based on Anglo-Saxon and Norman England.


Rural Areas

95% of population lives in rural areas. Density of ~20 people / sq mi.


Subdivisions 1 household
Size ~120 acres
Population ~4 serfs
Tax Revenue 2s to lord
Military 1 levy
Administration None


Subdivisions 5 hides
Size 1 sq mi
Population ~20 serfs
Tax Revenue 10s to lord
Military 5 levy, 1 thane
Administration Lord


Subdivisions 5 tithings
Size 5 sq mi
Population ~100 serfs
Tax Revenue 50s to lord
Military 25 levy, 5 thanes
Administration Lord
Manors vary in size, and some may contain more than 5 tithings. Lords may keep all tax revenue generated by their manor, but are obligated to provide military service to the king when marshalled.

Urban Areas

4% of population lives in small towns or ports. 1% of population lives in large towns or ports.

Small Town

Size ~7 acres
Population ~2,000 freemen
Tax Revenue 100s to king
Military 50 levy
Administration Freemen court (moot)

Large Town

Size ~30 acres
Population ~4,000 freemen
Tax Revenue 200s to king
Military 100 levy
Administration Freemen court (moot)

Small Port

Size ~7 acres
Population ~2,000 freemen
Tax Revenue Exempt
Military 50 levy, 5 longships
Administration Freemen court (moot)
Ports were often granted exemption from taxation and relative autonomy in return for providing for the naval defense of the king’s realm.

Large Port

Size ~30 acres
Population ~4,000 freemen
Tax Revenue Exempt
Military 100 levy, 10 longships
Administration Freemen court (moot)
Ports were often granted exemption from taxation and relative autonomy in return for providing for the naval defense of the king’s realm.

The Realm


Subdivisions 100 hides
Size ~20 sq mi
Population ~400
A census division for the purposes of surveying population and military capacity.


Subdivisions 4-40 hundreds / towns / ports
Size 80-800 sq mi
Population 1,600-16,000
Administration Reeve
An administrative division for judicial purposes.

Small Kingdom

Subdivisions 1-4 small towns or ports, 0-1 large town or port, 4-8 shires
Size 5,000-25,000 sq mi
Population 100,000-500,000
Military 25,000-125,000 levy, 5,000-25,000 thanes, 0-30 longships
Administration King

Large Kingdom

Subdivisions 5-20 small towns or ports, 1-5 large towns or ports, 20-40 shires
Size 25,000-100,000 sq mi
Population 500,000-2,000,000
Military 125,000-500,000 levy, 25,000-100,000 thanes, 20-100 longships
Administration King