Thunar, Lord of Oaks
- God of thunder, the sky, battle, craftsmen
- Symbol a hammer or double-bitted axe, amber jewelry
- Grants priests the ability to call down lightning under open sky, dealing 1d8 damage
Frith, Hearthmother
- Goddess of the hearth, the harvest, family, fertility, motherhood
- Symbol a sheaf of grain, a sickle
- Grants priests the ability to heal 1d6 HP of wounds, or remove a curse or disease, (1 / day)
Ostara, Dawn Maiden
- Goddess of the dawn, grief, youth, freedom, the sun
- Symbol a rising sun, a chariot wheel
- Grants priests the ability to call forth the sun’s rays, even underground, providing light and banishing evil spirits (save to avoid) (1 / day)
Orcus, Chained One
- God of the underworld, the undead, greed, ambition
- Symbol a lidded eye
- Grants priests the ability to raise the dead, creating orcs (malign spirits of the dead inhabiting constructed bodies) (1 HD / day)
Hircine, the Horned King
- God of the wild, beasts, wine, travel, lust
- Symbol an antlered skull, torcs
- Grants priests the ability to take on the form of a beast for 1 hour (or the duration of a full moon) (1 / day)